Monday, December 2, 2019

Filming Blog #2

Hey ya'll!
I'm back with another blog. This time I actually have a fun filming story for you. So on Wednesday last week Sage, Jeffery and I went to film and a few friends came along too. We all met up at the pier at Laduerdale- by- the- sea. Once everyone was there we walked over to the bathrooms and used that as our "house" that we walked out of. We had to improvise a bit because we realized that the volleyball courts were at Fort Lauderdale beach not Lauderdale- by- the- sea. So instead of playing volleyball we all ran down the beach into the water, pushing each other in and splashing around. We did change a few things up because well we're teenagers. I enjoyed it none the less, It didn't even feel like we were filming at times, it felt like we were just simply spending time together and having fun. Pushing Jeffery and Jahni into the water and splashing around was probably the most entertaining part while we were at the beach. After all the filming at the beach was done was everyone's favorite part. ICE CREAM, we went to Slone's Ice Cream and each got ice cream. We were all laughing at how they made the bathroom and asked why they would do that. My mom treated us all to yummy ice cream and we were all just enjoying ourselves. After the ice cream was done we all went to go see puppies! They were all so cute they were jumping around, laying down and just enjoying the attention they were getting. Once all the filming was done Jeffery and Jahni went home, and Sage, my sisters and mom, Eric, Logan, and I  all turned the rest of the time into a beach day. We played football, ran around and just enjoyed hanging out with each other. Of course my mom took millions of pictures and we all enjoyed it. Once it was time to go we all bid our goodbyes and went our separate ways. My family and I went to get food and enjoyed the rest of our "girls day". All in all it really was a great way to start our break, even if it was for school.  There's no specific thing that stood out. Every minute of it was enjoyable for me, shooting this music video was really just pure fun for me. I really wouldn't have changed anything we did for anything. Yes, the project was for school but it was fun, we got to really be teenagers. Okay my loves, this is all I have for you today!
I'll see you again soon!
love, Tay

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