Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Editing Class Blog

Hey Ya'll, How's your day been?

   Well if you haven't guessed it, it's blog day! Today's is about editing a music video, commercial or even a movie. I was shocked how relatively easy it was, so first you have to look for pinnacle studios, you'll see either 17, 18, or 19. Before you do anything it's extremely important that you create a new folder on your desktop to put all your shots in because pinnacle studios won't read it. Once your folder is made put your SD card into the card reader and plug it into the computer, what we're about to do is called dumping, meaning we're taking everything from the SD card and putting it on the laptop. So once the card reader pops up you're going to go to a folder in the files called DCIM this is where all your footage is, it will be in order of date and time so make sure your camera has the correct date and time. If you can't find your footage you're going to go to private and search AVCAD and go to stream. Once you find your clips highlight them all and move them to your folder. As soon as everything is in your folder just remove the card reader from your lap top.
     Now open pinnacle studios and make sure you’re on the editing screen. Go to file and click “new movie”, this is where you’re going to import all of you shots and clips. In pinnacle studios you’re going to go to ‘Desktop’ and click the plus sign. Once you find your folder click start import and begin building your film. Everything that’s on the bigger screen is called your raw footage, it’s basically the original shot you took, you’re going to drag the footage in whatever order you want to AV track 2; AV track 1 is meant for titles and track 3 is meant for music, voice overs and anything like that. If you want to cut a part from your scene, at the top of the AV tracks there are many little icons, you’re going to click on the one that looks like a razor blade to split the clip. Once the Clip is split, click on the part you don’t want make sure the orange- yellow box is around it and press the delete button. If you want you can right click the scene and you can speed it up, slow it down, or reverse it. If you want to get rid of the background audio in your raw footage you right click, press detach then click the detached audio make sure the orange box is around it and click delete.
          If you want to add a title to your film, you’re going to click the T and it will pop up on the screen where your film is held, you can write in whatever your teacher asks you to label it or just put whatever you want. Once you’re ready to turn in your film, you’re going to save your movie and put it in your folder, when you’re done hit export make sure your film is under mPEG 4 and SV best quality, then click start export and titled your movie. Before you send your film in make sure to minimize pinnacle studios and open your film to watch for field first before sending it in to make sure it all runs smooth. And that’s how you edit any type of film your heart desires!

Signing off, Taylor

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